Friday, January 1, 2010

Belle's Vocabulary

I was going over the words Belle seems like she's constantly adding another I thought I'd start to jot them down. i think it will be fun to look back this time next year and see where she was...

Belle's Vocabulary:
  • Daddy (was her fan favorite for quite awhile)
  • Mum (haha...she uses the British pronunciation) or Mama
  • Uh-oh (another fan favorite)
  • Doggie
  • Light (new one this week, she says as pointing to a light or ceiling fan)
  • NO! (and she only yells this's hilarious. Well for now...)
  • Snack (sounds more like 'ack!')
  • All done (This one's debatable, but I could have swore I heard her say it tonight after I did.)
  • oh, and her absoulte #1 most used word....'Hi!' She says it all the time to anyone who can hear her, while waving "hi" with her hand as well. It's adorable.
Belle at 1 year


Holli said...

I just love this stage!!! their little voices, the way their eyes light up when they put things together, and the NO! Except the next stage no isn't fun!:)
She is SO CUTE!!!

Brian and Kristyna said...

Thanks Holli! :) It is a very fun stage! i know soon I'm going to hate the word "no" though! haha