Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Future's so bright...

Belle's gotta wear shades!  Haha...Belle got the cutest sunglasses from her Aunts Jilly and Liz (and Clint!  Shout out the Basham newlyweds!!)  Anyway, she's obsessed with them.  She'll try to put them on herself, get frustrated and then bring them to us before she cruises around the house, looking like our little rock star :)  Exhibits A, B, and C  ----------------------------------------------------------------------->

I LOVE this one!  My little Audrey Hepburn! :)

Also, she's talking up a storm!!!  Seriously, she's saying so many words, she pretty much repeats even when her Daddy says the word "retard." Oops!  (Sorry Aunt Liz!  Don't hit me!)  She's now taken to telling us when she goes poop, by saying poop over and over and touching her diaper!  You know your a mom when you're excited to hear your kid tell you they've gone poop! we got her a little potty! And she sits on it, and says potty, potty, potty!!  No actual pee-pee or poop on the potty yet, but she seems to be getting the whole process :)  She's also taken to saying two-word phrases, like Hi Daddy (her fav, go figure!) and Hi Mommy, and pretty much Hi [insert any other word here.]  She even says Hi Belle, which cracks me up!  I know it's shocking that any child of mine would end up being verbose!  Haha...definitely more a maternal trait ;) She's got Mom's penchant for talking and I see glimpses of Dad's attitude in there too.  Should make for an interesting combination, especially in the teen years! haha

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