Also one thing I definitely did not get the memo on is, the whole "belly bump" term is a misnomer. Yes, your belly grows (and that part is actually cute and really fun). However, no one fully explained that you don't just get a belly bump (unless you're a freak of nature, and if you are I'm afraid we can no longer be friends! :)) Along with this belly bump comes an additional 25-35% body fat, evenly distributed throughout the whole body. Arms, face, neck, sides, THIGHS, BUTT, and even your ankles (or cankles rather) don't get left out! So if you have not yet been pregnant, consider yourself forewarned!!! haha...I wish I had read this post before so I would have been more mentally prepared :)
Why my tiny, now 2 pound baby girl needs all these extra fat stores I have no idea...However, it's her show and whatever she needs is exactly what she'll get!! It's all about Annabelle, and all joking about my vanity aside, I feel SO unbelievably blessed and fortunate to get to be a momma soon!